Monday, May 11, 2015


The above picture shows the cathode ray tube. There are plates on the inside of it that guide the light beam upward, downward, left or right depending on the magnetic field produced by the plates.

Professor Mason has an oscilloscope shooting a line of light to the screen. He asks us what will happen if he hooks a battery up to the oscilloscopes input.

We predicted that the line would jump up when the battery was attached, and sure enough that's what happened. We derived some formulas for acceleration and final velocity in the y direction. We also showed what the graph looks like for the cathode ray tube when the dot goes from the left to the right of the screen only to appear in the left again.

We attached the function generator to a speaker and tested various frequencies and voltages. When the voltage, or amplitude, is increased the volume of the sound is increased. When the frequency is raised, the sound becomes more high pitched. We found that we lose the ability to hear higher frequencies as our age increases. We also learned that in some parts of the world low frequencies are broadcast to prevent younger people from lounging in certain areas.

On the sine function setting a sine graph appeared on our oscilloscope.

We set the function generator on its square setting and this picture showed.

In this picture we hooked up a power supply and Mario modified the voltage to show that the line would jump up from its starting point, similar to how a battery did. The line was steady and solid meaning that the source was good.

This is the initial DC adaptor we used. This one supplied a steady current which looks just like a battery or a power supply when hooked into the oscilloscope.

This picture shows the AC interference that we were getting on a DC charger. The interference was massive meaning that the charge was very inefficient.

In the above 3 pictures Professor Mason showed us what types of waves we could see with 2 function generators sources operating at different frequencies.

The top three pictures are the questions we had to answer for the labs we were doing in class.

The two pictures above show the mystery box portion of the lab. The yellow was found to be ground while the red and green were AC. The black and blue were DC.

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