Sunday, May 3, 2015

Charging and Discharging of Capacitors

This picture shows the experiment we did in class. We would first let the capacitor charge with the batteries connected, then unplug and check the time it took for the capacitor to discharge, we would then plug the batteries back in to the system and check the time it took for the capacitor to charge. We were able to measure the times by how long the bulb that was connected was lit.

We connected our capacitor with the capacitor of the other group in the table to see what the voltage read out would be. We all predicted that the measurement would be 1.27 volts, or the difference between having 3 batteries and 2. We were way off though when the measurement turned out to be .33 volts.

The graphs above show the relationship between potential electricity and time for the discharge cycle (top graph) and the charge cycle (bottom graph). The relationship between potential and time on a graph looks exactly like a logarithmic graph. We also determined the units for the A and B variables in the fit, which were both volts. We also found that the time constant is simply the resistance multiplied by the capacity.

The video and picture above shows what will happen if you charge a capacitor incorrectly, it explodes!

We determined that there was an inversely proportional relationship between current and time. We were able to find the time for the equation by plugging in our values from the picture. Going across the resistor we had to subtract 1.5 volts since it had already gone across the capacitor.

To find the time it would take for the system to reach the charge of 1 electron we had to setup our equation to take charge into account, which was simply a matter of substituting in Q/C for V and plugging and chugging with the given values.

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