Sunday, May 17, 2015

Force due to Magnetic Fields and Currents

In the pictures above Professor Mason used a Halls Effect Sensor to determine the magnetic field in the classroom. He spun it around and from the graph we can see that it was strongest in the initial direction he was pointing it, then it slowly dropped until he bottomed out, which was the opposite direction he started at, and then it slowly rose to its max when it was going back to it's initial direction.

This was our experimental graph. We used the Hall Effect Sensor to determine the magnetic field due to copper wires around a test tube. Our readings were a tad low over the course of our experiment due to the Hall Effect Sensor being pointed slightly in the wrong direction. This wasn't noticed by us until our last reading, which was much lower than the previous reading. After correcting the direction we got a much larger reading for our final run.

In this picture was can see that when two currents (through wire) are next to each other and in the same direction, force vectors which oppose each other are created. The graph on the bottom shows that the magnetic field takes the shape of a sinusoidal graph.

In the above 3 pictures Professor Mason showed us that the magnetic field created by a current through loops was much higher when there were many more loops of wire. Also the speed at which the magnet was moved in or out effected the strength of the field.

In the device above a current is run through the copper wires on the bottom of the device, which creates a magnetic field in an upward direction. In the upper portion of the device an opposing field and current is created as a result. 

In the above two pictures Professor Mason showed that the current created by the bottom portion of the device was able to light the bulb connected to this wooden ring. At a greater distance the light was lowered showing that the current was much stronger when it was closer to the copper wires.

In the above two pictures we can see the opposing magnetic fields in action. The first picture shows copper and the lower picture shows the aluminum. The aluminum is more susceptible to the field and as you can see it was blown off the device with the same amount of current that barely lifted the copper.

Steel was also lifted.

We can see in the above picture that a slight gap in the ring would stop a magnetic field from being created.

We can see in the above picture that if we have a longer solenoid, larger magnet, increased radius of solenoid, or if we increase the velocity of the magnet that we can increase the magnetic field created.

In the above two pictures, Professor Mason showed what would happen if a magnetic object was dropped through an aluminum cylinder. The magnet falling through the aluminum cylinder creates a current in a counterclockwise direction which creates magnetic force in an upward direction which causes it to fall much slower.

In the above picture we show what an emf graph would look like compared to the magnetic field graph over time.

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