Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Electromagnet Induction

We did an active physics activity to start the class. In this activity we showed the relationship between flux and EMF.

In the above pictures Professor Mason showed what would happen to a rod when a current is run through it and it has a magnetic field going upward. In the first picture the the current is going away from me so the rod is pushed away from the magnet. In the second picture the current is coming toward me so the rod is pulled toward the magnet. We can figure out these directions by using our right hand rule.

Afterward we did another activity in active physics. In this one we examined the connection between current, EMF, and Magnetic Flux. We can see that flux depends on area so if area increases or decreases so does flux.

On the left side of the board we derived relationships between induced current and induced voltage. We also came up with relations between capacity and current and electric potential. On the right corner we derived the unit for inductors. In the center of the board we solved for inductance of a rod with a given radius, length, and number of turns of coil around it. 

This was another activity we did from active physics. In this activity we examined a RL circuit (circuit containing a resistor and an inductor). 

In the above picture we examine the graphs of current vs. time and voltage vs. time when there is an inductor.


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