Sunday, March 22, 2015


Formula for entropy and 2 examples of entropy. We also found out a new way to describe adiabatic processes, isentropic, since there is no change in entropy.

This is a Stirling engine. A temperature difference from the top and bottom causes it to run.

This picture shows what happens when you place a stirling motor above heated water and place an ice cube on top. The fan is spinning as a result.

The fan spins the opposite direction when hot water is placed on top and ice is used to cool the bottom.

The above picture shows the formula for efficiency of a Carnot Engine and also the efficiency of a Stirling engine. The graph is that of Temperature vs. Entropy.

The above picture shows how to solve for the Coefficient of Performance. We used that to find the heat required to operate a heat pump to warm the inside of a home.

The above picture illustrates how to find the effectiveness of heat engines. You take the actual output of the energy desired and divide it by the output of the reversible process. We took the efficiency of the theoretical actual process and divided it by the efficiency of the theoretical reversible process to find the effectiveness. 

In the picture above we were able to show the the final temperature is equal to the root of the two provided temperatures when entropy is equal to zero.

We used what we found in the previous picture to come up with this equation.

In the picture above we found the efficiency of a process then multiplied it by the max Coefficient of Performance so we could find the possible Coefficient of Performance. Then we found the Q of heat with that number since Q of heat is equal to the Work plus the Q of cold.

In the above picture we found the time it would take to freeze a beverage in a fridge that was providing a certain amount of cool energy to its interior. We did this by finding the the energy it takes to freeze the beverage and divided it by the energy output by the fridge.

In the picture above, Professor Mason showed us that bubbles would fall to the ground after being created. This was not the case with bubbles created with methane gas though. This was because bubbles he created had air on the inside while the methane gas bubbles were less dense than the air. allowing them to float.

The video above shows what would happen if methane gas bubbles were ignited. As expected the fire rose since it consisted of methane gas, which is less dense than air.

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